
OurDeal is a group buying website that was purchased by industry leader Groupon. Customers come to the site in search of deals on products, services or experiences from a diverse list of suppliers, ranging from meals to manicures and robo-vacs to island retreats.
Their commercial challenge
OurDeal was heavily reliant on email to drive traffic to the website. The day-to-day revenue of the business rested heavily on the successful selection of good deals to lead within emails.
The Solution
The existing solution was to feature the most recent deals in that territory which was simple to implement but which failed to take into account:
  • – What customers had already seen or purchased
  • – What they had a preference for
  • – How close to the deal they were
  • – What was converting well
By redesigning a model that had access to these additional signals around customer preference and deal performance we were able to lift email open rate and conversion consistently by 10%. The success saw the algorithm rolled out to both website and app. OurDeal had implemented personalised email ahead of their much larger global competitors Groupon and LivingSocial and the internally developed IP contributed to the successful sale of the business.

“I've worked with Dave for years. In that time he built out our recommendation engine and put it to work to drive really smart, consumer and commercially friendly outcomes.  Creating strategies that helped us unlock value at scale.”

Gavin Cunningham
Head of Marketing APAC Groupon

Contact Us

Complete the form, or email us on enquiries at moxy.com.au. Alternatively, reach out to us via LinkedIn.